Five Myths About Digital Products
Apr 22, 2022Think you’re not cut out to create and sell digital products? You’re not alone. Lots of creative people (bloggers, authors, podcasters, coaches) assume they’re not going to succeed in the world of digital products and sales funnels, usually for one of five reasons. Let’s explore those common objections (bet you can relate!) and bust them like the dirty lies they are.
Myth #1:
I can’t create a product. I’m not an expert at anything.
Wow, really? So you’ve never read the Bible or raised a toddler or encouraged a neighbor through a tough time? You’ve never prayed and waited on God for an answer, never exercised your faith when it was HARD? Then I guess you’re right. If you’ve never done anything worth sharing with other people, then you can’t create a product. You can only dream about it.
But you and I both know that’s not the case. You HAVE learned a thing or two firsthand in this life that you can pass along to others. And it does not matter what titles or credentials are attached to your name. A true “expert” is simply someone whom God calls to share their experience, in order to make a difference in this world.
Myth #2:
Nobody is going to buy my product. It’s going to collect digital dust on an online shelf somewhere.
It can be scary to put yourself out there. We get it. But how is a digital product any different from the work you already do as a writer, speaker, podcaster, blogger, worship leader, teacher or coach? It’s the same work, really—the same message. Just packaged differently. And people who value the work you do will BUY the work you do. So don’t ask “who will buy my product?”
Ask how many.
Myth #3:
You have to be a super smart IT expert in order to sell digital products.
Ha! If that were true, I would not be writing this blog post right now. I used to be the furthest thing you can imagine from tech savvy. Heck, I used to make my husband operate the VCR. But little by little, I mustered the courage to try new things—to learn how to use my email management software, my online course platform, my checkout tools. And can you guess what happened? The more I tried, the less scary the tech became. And now I run a business designed to teach other people like me how to use it. Ironic, eh? You can do this. If I can, YOU can.
Myth #4:
Passive income is just a pipedream. Everybody knows the only way to make money is to work hard for it.
Yes, that’s true, you do need to work hard for the income you earn—at first. But with digital products, once you’ve busted your bottom-half to create the product and set up the sales funnel, your focus shifts. THEN you can stop trading time for money and begin promoting your product and collecting sales on autopilot. I can tell you from experience this is not a pipedream. Here at The Inspired Business we bring in thousands of dollars in revenue per month through automated sales funnels, and so do lots of other digital product creators. You can do it, too, if you give it a chance.
Myth #5:
People who work in faith-based businesses shouldn’t sell things in the first place. Ministry and business don’t mix.
Right. So your pastor shouldn’t get a salary either, then. And your church shouldn’t have to pay the electric bill. And every mission trip should be free!
Here’s the thing. We serve the God of the Bible. He planted us in a world economy and He says the worker deserves his wages. So the real question isn’t whether or not people should make money; it’s how we define a “worker.”
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23).
God has gifted each of us with knowledge, talents, passions and callings to share His love with a hurting world. Some of us do that through writing and speaking. Some of us do that through teaching and coaching. Some of us do that through working at Starbucks or installing carpet or filling cavities. For the believer, any vocation is a ministry. If yours happens to be creating content related to the good news of Jesus Christ, then great—you of all people should be looking for every possible way to share your work with the world. Digital products can help.
If you’re ready to break free from the myths that hold you back and FINALLY take your business to the next level—using a proven method for generating consistent income that can fund your ministry and bless your family—then join us for a FREE masterclass, How to Create and Sell Digital Products Without Feeling Stupid, Salesy, or Sacrilegious. Register here for a time that’s convenient for you!
Wondering HOW to go about choosing, creating, and selling a digital product?
Check out my free masterclass:
How to Create and Sell Digital Products (without feeling stupid, salesy, or sacrilegious).