How I Made Over $100,000 With One Digital Product
Mar 07, 2022Tell us—what’s your sweet spot?
If you got into ministry or online business because you love to write or speak or teach, then we're guessing your sweet spot is just that—writing, speaking, teaching, podcasting, building content—you know, the creative work of encouraging others.
So why is it, then, that running a successful business seems to require us to do SO MANY THINGS beyond our comfy little sweet spot?
Maybe you can relate to Jana:
“Frankly, I wish I could hire a website designer and someone to manage social media and advertising while I just happily focus on creating digital products and blogging. But that's simply unattainable right now.”
Yep. We hear you, Jana. You just described the state in which so many communicators and creators live.
We need to create the products so we have something to sell. But we also need the website and sales funnels to promote the products so we actually get income from them as intended. Yet before the sales are rolling in, it’s tough to afford hiring someone else to help with all the aspects of business (whether that’s design, marketing, tech, etc.) that exist OUTSIDE our sweet spot. So we end up thinking we need to do it all—ourselves.
Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?
At The Inspired Business, we recommend answering that question with another question:
What ONE product or strategy can you implement right now, using what you already have, to start making money?
Let's look at the factors:
✔ A pretty business website is nice, but it does not make money.
✔ Page visitors are nice, but they do not make money in themselves, at least not right away. Often they're just a vanity metric.
✔ Multiple courses and products sound fantastic, but most of us don't have the time or bandwidth to launch them all at the same time... or at least not WELL.
So if you’re just starting out or you need to make an income STAT, don't worry about a website yet or the traffic to it. What you need first is a SALES PAGE for ONE product.
One page, not a whole site.
One product, not a whole library.
Then direct all your traffic to that ONE SALES PAGE and focus on selling that ONE product really well. You can add an upsell for a second product as a first step in expanding your offering. But don't get ahead of yourself or stand in the sea of "all the things" before you need to. You need ONE flagship product with ONE killer sales page that converts.
We’re living proof.
When The Inspired Business started (originally operating under the name Ministry to Business), we didn't consider ourselves a business. We were a product. We focused only on creating and selling the Ministry to Business Guide, our first six-figure sales generator. Priced at just $29, it earned over $100,000 in sales within the first six months. Our brand website, theinspiredbusiness.co, wasn't even built until we'd been in business for several months and sold a couple thousand copies of our product.
People saw our SALES PAGE (not our whole website) and made their buying decisions off of that alone.
We've since added more products (like our course and online coaching community) and we continue working on creating even more products and services, but our funnel strategy is still tied solely to getting eyes on a single sales page. It's the entry point for all the rest of the stuff we have to offer. And it’s what led us to earn over $100,000 in sales from a single product in our first six months.
So... choose a flagship product. Build a sales page then a sales funnel through which to promote and sell that one product. Once the sales start rolling in, you can set aside money to pay for the website redesign and other needs.
Wondering HOW to go about choosing, creating, and selling a digital product? Check out our free masterclass, How to Create and Sell Digital Products (without feeling stupid, salesy, or sacrilegious). Just click HERE to register.
Wondering HOW to go about choosing, creating, and selling a digital product?
Check out my free masterclass:
How to Create and Sell Digital Products (without feeling stupid, salesy, or sacrilegious).