The Key to Integrating Online Business and Motherhood
May 15, 2023I’ve been blogging since my firstborn was four years old. She’s now a sophomore in high school. So I’ve had a LOT of years to figure out how to run an online content business without sacrificing my top priorities of family and faith.
Have I always gotten it right? Nope.
Yet for every failure, I’ve had numerous wins. And I can honestly say, looking back, that my obedience to God’s call to write books and build a coaching business has blessed my family—and my family has, in turn, blessed my business with not only endless anecdotes and inspiration but also an anchoring for my purpose. They stand to remind me why I do this work in the first place.
If your heart also desires to build a ministry or online business that exists to support your family, then you’re going to love today’s podcast episode. I’ve invited three of my mastermind colleagues and sweet friends—Amy Debruque, Lori Beth Auldridge, and Jennifer Ford Berry—to talk about how we integrate business and motherhood, in every stage of raising kids.
Collectively, we run the gamut from moms of grown kids to teens to toddlers. These ladies have a wealth of experience in juggling all the family responsibilities alongside God’s call to create. As podcasters, authors, and coaches, all four of us share a heart for serving others in a way that also serves our families. And we want to encourage you with our insight today.
In honor of Mother’s Day, I hope you’ll tune in and enjoy this conversation among friends. Find today’s episode here.
Wondering HOW to go about choosing, creating, and selling a digital product?
Check out my free masterclass:
How to Create and Sell Digital Products (without feeling stupid, salesy, or sacrilegious).