The ONE Thing You Need to Make Money From Your Content Online
Dec 06, 2022Question for you.
What’s your sweet spot?
If you started a blog or online business because you love to write, speak, teach, and create content, then I’m guessing your sweet spot is just that—writing, speaking, teaching, creating.
But running a profitable business requires a lot of responsibilities beyond your sweet spot. And chances are, you’re feeling stretched way too thin.
One of my customers put it this way:
“Frankly, I wish I could hire a website designer and someone to manage social media and advertising while I just happily focus on creating digital products and blogging. But that's simply unattainable right now.”
Yep, I get it. But there’s good news.
You don’t actually have to do ALL the things. You only need to start with ONE thing. And it might be nearer to your sweet spot than you think.
In today’s episode of The Inspired Business Podcast, we’re talking all about what you actually do (and don’t) need to focus on in order to start earning money from your content. The answer might surprise you.
Click HERE to listen.
Wondering HOW to go about choosing, creating, and selling a digital product?
Check out my free masterclass:
How to Create and Sell Digital Products (without feeling stupid, salesy, or sacrilegious).