What Separates Good from Great as a Content Creator or Coach
Apr 20, 2023Did you know? There’s a difference between a good coach or content creator and a great one. Lots of people can write or speak or host a podcast and share their thoughts and products with the marketplace. But not everyone does it truly well.
So what is the key ingredient that boosts a coach or contentpreneur from good to great?
Good creators and coaches teach. Great ones keep learning.
A great content creator or coach is someone who continues to BE coached.
Someone who recognizes there is always more to learn, always new information to get ahead of, especially in the online industry, which is constantly changing.
And someone who is humble enough to accept instruction. And then apply what they learn to their own businesses, and eventually pass along their growing arsenal of knowledge to their clients.
How did I learn about digital products and sales funnels? I learned them from my coaches. And then I practiced what I was taught. We learn from others who go before us, and then we learn by doing.
I’ve learned a ton of things about digital products and content creation just by doing the work day after day. On-the-job training is critical to growing your knowledge and your ability to share that knowledge with others. But it’s not the only component. We also have to seek out people who are a step ahead of us and keep learning from them, so then we have new knowledge to practice and apply on the job.
So… how? How do you find good coaching?
There are four ways overall, four resources in my experience that help me continue to learn, and that I’ve seen have helped develop my colleagues and clients, too. Coaching doesn’t have to look the same for everyone. There are many ways to go about it.
The first option is, of course, one-to-one coaching. That’s what a lot of people think of when they envision business coaching. Working directly with someone who dedicates personal phone calls and customized training to your progress is one of the quickest ways to make progress. But it’s also going to be the most expensive. If you’re on a tighter budget or you prefer a more social experience, try option #2.
Group coaching or courses. These are great for certain niche areas of training. For example, here at The Inspired Business, we offer group coaching in The Funnel Club, where our niche is digital product creation and marketing, primarily through automated sales funnels.
Other groups or courses focus on niches like writing and publishing books, or managing your finances, or running Facebook ads. Basically, if there’s a topic out there you want to learn more about, there’s a course or group available to teach you. Determine what your greatest needs are—what areas of business or creativity you want to learn more about—and then find a resource that can fill that gap for you. I’ll link to a few of my favorite resources at the end of this blog post.
My third recommended research for continued learning is conferences or retreats. Short-term events like a conference or a summit can boost your current knowledge and inspire you to make positive changes in your business. I’ve found I always come away from conferences feeling inspired and equipped with new ideas that I can apply to my business right away. And there’s something about the social aspect of an in-person event that is good for the soul. I’ve made some true friendships at conferences… people I’m still connected to in meaningful ways years later.
And finally, consider joining a colleague support group, or mastermind.These are great for not just sharing ideas and feeling supported but also for learning from colleagues whose experiences have given them knowledge you might not have yet. I learn as much from my mastermind colleagues, collectively, as I do from my coaches. So don’t be afraid to reach out to some fellow content creators or coaches and ask if they’d be willing to form a support group.
Why do we pursue greatness at all? Because we have been gifted with minds that are capable of learning, and hearts that are steered by the Holy Spirit to serve people well. So let’s make the most of it while we have the chance.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24)
For a more detailed exploration of this topic, check out Episode 32 of The Inspired Business Podcast HERE.
Recommended courses, groups, or resources for continued learning:
The Funnel Club
Facebook Ads Intensive
Email Marketing Fairy
Wondering HOW to go about choosing, creating, and selling a digital product?
Check out my free masterclass:
How to Create and Sell Digital Products (without feeling stupid, salesy, or sacrilegious).