Hey, you -- if you're tired of churning out content and launching products to crickets, it's time for a change. 

Make money from your content... while you munch popcorn, feet up on the sofa, watching movies with your kids.

Through my unique mentorship program, Idea to Impact, you'll discover how to turn your followers into buyers instead of writing and podcasting endlessly for free. You don't have to run flash sales, spam your audience, or spend weeks planning a do-or-die launch. Learn how to set up an automated marketing system that does the work for you... so you have time to focus on what matters most.

This summer only, take advantage of our Idea to Impact LITE program.

All the training plus four weeks of support for a lower introductory cost.

Enroll Now

Make money from your content... while you munch popcorn, feet up on the sofa, watching movies with your kids.

Through my unique mentorship program, Idea to Impact, you'll discover how to turn your followers into buyers instead of writing and podcasting endlessly for free. You don't have to run flash sales, spam your audience, or spend weeks planning a do-or-die launch. Learn how to set up an automated marketing system that does the work for you... so you have time to focus on what matters most.

This summer only, take advantage of our Idea to Impact LITE program.

All the training plus four weeks of support for a lower introductory cost.



You've got this fire in your gut to speak, write, teach, and share a message with the world because that's what God is calling you to do. Yep. I get it. Me too, me too.

But MAN, it costs serious time and money to grow your audience, publish your books, promote your podcast, create your course, switch finally to that fancy platform you know is going to make your life easier.

How will you earn a significant income from your creative work that not only covers your costs buy hey, actually deposits some serious cash into the family bank account so you can buy the organic strawberries, fund that big mission trip, or pay for the private college your daughter's got her heart set on?

Digital product sales funnels are the answer.

Kind-hearted people like you are making hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales from low-price offers EVERY DAY. (I'm one of them.)

But...I know what you're probably thinking:

  • I don't have time. It's hard enough to whip up content for my socials or my podcast every week. Now I'm supposed to manage selling products and services online, too?
  • I've tried digital products but they didn't work for me. I don't believe in all this sales funnel hype. Maybe they work for some people, but I'm different. My business isn't the right fit.
  • My audience won't pay for anything. They expect to get all my content for free, so I'm just going to offend them when I ask them to buy something. They'll think I've sold out.
  • I just want to create beautiful content and serve people. Why does it have to be so hard and complicated? What do sales funnels have to do with becoming a thought leader?

I hear ya. I used to think that, too.

Doesn't matter how long you've been in the blogging or coaching or creator space. Digital marketing can feel like a totally different planet, and you just hopped off the alien spaceship. ET phone home! But can I tell you something true?

  • Seven years ago, I'd never heard the terms sales funnel or lead magnet or conversion rate. I thought a tripwire was something the city workers cleaned up after a thunderstorm.
  • Six years ago, I tried creating my own opt-in page. At first I was so confused, I wanted to cry and chuck my laptop in the kitchen trash can.
  • Five years ago, I started running ads to a simple sales funnel and earned $3,000 in profit my first month.
  • Four years ago, I hit my first six-figure goal from digital product sales. Mostly from a $29 product.
  • Today, I'm living proof that sales funnels work. And you don't have to be an IT expert to build a digital products empire.

What if you could learn the same basic process my clients and I use to turn onlookers into buyers, on autopilot?

That's what Idea to Impact LITE is all about.
Enroll Now

“Becky presents the information in such easy-to-understand methods. And her obvious love of Jesus just seals the deal for me. I am so grateful for Becky sharing her wealth of knowledge with us so we can streamline our process.”


“Becky presents the information in such easy-to-understand methods. And her obvious love of Jesus just seals the deal for me. I am so grateful for Becky sharing her wealth of knowledge with us so we can streamline our process.”



Seriously, a map. A series of flowcharts that show you exactly what steps to take to connect the bobbers to the knobbers and build an automated marketing journey that sells your product for you while you take the dog for a walk or sip coffee with a friend.

Unlike other marketing methods that focus on social media reels or SEO or similar slow-growth strategies, the systems we teach inside Idea to Impact give you a direct path to growing an audience and converting bystanders into buyers.

Imagine dramatically reducing the amount of time you spend trying to convince people to buy your products and services... so you can spend MORE time working in your zone of genius—like writing the next book, booking that big keynote, or serving the clients you've already got, without worrying how in the world you're going to acquire the next ones.

Let's revolutionize the way you look at serving and growing your audience.

It's not just about the money you'll make. It's about changing people's lives with your amazing, meaningful message... and then getting to reap the rewards because you deserve to get paid (1 Timothy 5:18). Get ready to learn all the things about digital products and marketing, including stuff you didn't know you need to know.


This self-paced version of our intensive program includes four weeks of Voxer coaching on the better way to monetize...one that ultimately DOESN'T require you to spend more time at your desk, get sucked down the black hole of social media, or travel every weekend to speak for any event that may or may not pay you with a potted plant and a gift card. 

Create a system that converts—without sacrificing your soul or your sanity.


By the end of your self-paced training:

💡 You'll have a product that virtually sells itself. Because you'll know how to pinpoint the right product for your audience—one that's certain to sell because they're asking for it—and discover how to craft marketing copy that speaks the customer's language. You'll learn step-by-step how to create a sales page that builds trust with your audience and makes your offer an easy "yes" for eager buyers.

💡 You won't sweat the tech ever again. This program explains how to build a high-converting sales funnel using any tech platform—because when you understand the function of each step in your funnel, you can easily connect the dots. It's all about getting a clear picture in your head of what a sales funnel is designed to do, then constructing each component (using whatever tools you want) so it manages your marketing for you.

💡 You'll have sales coming in around the clock... because you'll know how to tap into the power of automated email sequences and discover how they can convert subscribers into paying customers. Plus you'll get an inside peek into my favorite strategies for capturing sales at all hours.



Idea to Impact LITE includes full access to our comprehensive video-based training program called Profitable Digital Products Method 2.0. This course includes 21 step-by-step training videos that explain in detail how to develop the right product, sales funnel, and marketing plan for your business. Includes weekly action plans plus swipe copy and templates.


In addition to enjoying lifetime access to our comprehensive self-paced course, you'll get four weeks of daily support from Becky on Voxer (a free walkie-talkie voice app). Got questions? Need clarity or advice? Through this daily support channel, you'll get timely answers and encouragement. Voxer access for the summer program is available June 24 to July 19.



Idea to Impact Lite

A comprehensive, guided training experience designed to walk you step-by-step through the process of creating your own unique sales funnel in order to sell your genius product, course, or membership on autopilot.

  • Learn the secret to pinpointing the right product for your audience, that's practically guaranteed to sell
  • Follow a clear and proven Sales Page Success Formula so you won't need to wonder what to say in your sales page, or why
  • Finally understand the necessary pieces of a sales funnel and how to connect them, regardless of which platform you use
  • Level up with my favorite advanced sales funnel hacks designed to increase your conversions and your profits
  • Learn how to leverage the power of email marketing, including my special strategy for gaining buyers around the clock

Get your hands on the exact process I used to earn over $100,000 in sales in less than six months from a $29 product. It's the system I still use today to sell courses, digital products, and a monthly membership group behind the scenes while I focus on serving clients and writing my next book.

This is the ticket to reaching more people in less time... and earning a full-time income from the work you love to do.


I know it's easy to think this is just another guru's approach that won't work for you. But let's get this straight: I don't consider myself a guru (I'm just a content creator like you, which means if I can do it, you can do it), and? This isn't some fad formula. Digital products and sales funnel marketing are tried-and-true strategies for generating recurring income. Building them will take time, hard work, and wisdom.

Idea to Impact provides the wisdom. And you'll save a ton of time by not trying to figure it out on your own.

By the time you complete Idea to Impact, your product will be a proven seller, poised to rock the marketplace. We'll arm you with a road map for how to gain new customers week over week through proven sales and marketing methods.


Results will start to flow in, maybe gently at first. But you'll know how to quickly turn that trickle into a waterfall. Then your job changes from creating the funnel, to watching people enter it... transforming them from onlookers to buyers in a matter of minutes.


Meet your coach

Hi there! I'm Becky Kopitzke


I'm a traditionally published author, speaker, podcaster, and creative product seller. My jam is digital marketing and sales funnels. I founded a company called The Inspired Business to teach more Christian content creators like you and me how to keep their ministries running through automated online offers.

Why? Because digital product sales funnels are the best way I've found to serve more people in less time without draining your energy or sacrificing your biggest priorities of family and faith. With a well-built funnel, you can earn income from your content while you cook dinner... or build a snowman in the back yard... or watch a movie with your hubs.

Does that sound like joy to you? Then enroll today in my self-paced summer program, Idea to Impact LITE, and learn how you can do it, too.

Yaaassss! LET ME IN!

“Everyone should take the leap and sign up.”

"The Idea to Impact mentorship program was the best investment of time and money I have made in my business since I started in 2012. I have participated in several coaching programs, but none have helped my business thrive, like the coaching from Becky. I tripled my business profit in 3 months after finishing the program. My e-mail marketing went from little to none to learning how to make an effective nurture sequence to drive engagement and sales. I cannot recommend Becky’s practical help enough!! Everyone should take the leap and sign up!"


Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown


Our first order of business is pinpointing exactly the right offer for you and your audience. What do they really want? How will you give it to them (and why do you want to)? 

In this module, you'll learn one of my biggest secrets to capturing more sales, and it's surprisingly, ridiculously simple.

Then I'll guide you through how to build your fabulous product, with help from some simple training videos that make the process wayyyy easier than you might think.



The burning question everybody wants to know is: How do I connect the tech? In this module, you'll learn the components of a successful sales funnel, how to choose the right funnel model and tools for your goals, and how to connect them like Legos so they do the sales and marketing work FOR you.

With clear visual maps and handy cheat sheets to refer to again and again, you'll finally understand how each step of a sales funnel functions, so you can apply what you learn to any tech platform.



It's go time! In this phase you'll choose from a variety of marketing strategies for introducing your product to your current audience in a way that maximizes your strengths and speaks directly to your ideal customer.

Don't have a big audience yet? No problem. We'll explain the four buckets of online marketing and why you only need ONE of those buckets to grow a business... from scratch if necessary!



In our final phase, we'll empower you to keep driving traffic to your funnel through my two favorite organic (i.e., free) evergreen marketing strategies. You'll get detailed instruction on how to implement these proven methods, including gold-star swipe copy and my own high-converting webinar template. 

Then we'll wrap up your Idea to Impact experience with a key lesson on how to find, interpret, and analyze your data. This training includes a powerful decision matrix to help you optimize your funnel's performance on an ongoing basis.

This accelerated summer training experience demystifies automated marketing and starts generating real income from your content. This is your ticket out of “hobby land” and into your dream role as CEO of your own biz.

 Let's get you started!

Becky's training is informative, encouraging, and helped me break down a big process into doable steps. Becky presents information in such a genuine and warm way, plus she understands the challenges creative business owners face. I appreciate the way Becky approaches her business to honor God, and her voice is a welcome guide to Christian business owners!


One of my very favorite things is your heart for helping us in this endeavor. You see us as people who are not just trying to hustle to make money, but as people who are trying to help our families financially, honor God with our gifts, and still be available for our families. I really appreciate your example and encouragement in balancing all of those things.


Becky is a great teacher, easy to follow. I love her energy, passion, and genuine integrity in her marketing strategies. I am new to the business side of marketing and I now have some direction and great resources to begin down my business pathway!


I don't know what I don't know in the digital space. So, the more I listen to you and learn from your experience and expertise, the smarter I feel and the more confident I am to move forward.


So what will it cost to join Idea to Impact LITE?

Better question...what will it cost if you don't?

Idea to Impact is an investment in the future of your business. Through the methods you learn in this program, you will create a proven system for selling a desirable product on an ongoing basis, with integrity and authenticity (no gross marketing tactics), which will generate recurring income for your business and your household.

So rather than listening to the doubts in your head saying you can’t spend money on achieving your dreams, let’s consider what will happen if you don’t.

👉🏻 You can stay where you are, feeling stuck, and continue struggling with all the reasons you came to this page in the first place.

👉🏻 Or you can pray about taking a big step toward fulfilling the call God has placed on your heart.

I’m not saying this because I want a sale. Truth is, Idea to Impact isn’t right for everyone.

I’m saying this because I’ve been in your shoes.

I know how it feels to believe you’ve got something really special to share with the world, but you’re struggling to get over the hill.

For me, what made the difference—the thing that pushed me over the top and caught speed—was taking a chance on a great coaching program.

I’ve taken that chance three times, at different stages of business growth.

And each time, my business catapulted to the next level.

That’s what I’m inviting you to do.

Idea to Impact is normally offered as a 16-week cohort with daily coaching and feedback for $5500.

This summer we're offering Idea to Impact LITE for only $1497.

What's the difference? Our full program includes 16 weeks of daily coaching, weekly group Zoom calls, and unlimited Loom video feedback on your work.

Idea to Impact LITE removes the group calls and Loom feedback and condenses your support into 4 weeks of direct Voxer access to Becky. It's an easier pace for summer yet still gives you access to the tools you need to succeed.

You will still get all the same training videos and action plans that we provide in the full program. 

And the best part?

If you go through Idea to Impact LITE and decide you'd like to continue, you can apply your $1497 investment toward the cost of the fall cohort starting in September. That's a $1497 discount to experience the full 16 weeks of support, coaching, community, and feedback. 

So. You have a choice.

You can stay where you are. Or you can click that little button down below and enroll in Idea to Impact LITE today.


Still Got Questions?