Yes, it IS possible to earn recurring income from your passion work

...without being salesy, sacrilegious, or a tech genius

We'll show you how!

Tired of spending more on your creative work than you make?

Yep. Writing, speaking, podcasting, coaching, creating meaningful content for a hurting world—it's important work. And you'd do it for free. How do we know? Because you ARE doing it for free. It's your passion work, right?

But even passion work comes with expenses. What if, instead of draining your personal bank account on your creative pursuits, you could actually make money from them? 

Enough to cover the cost of doing this blog, podcast, coaching and teaching work you love, so your important work can remain sustainable. And even enough to reinvest in your business so you can do more than just keep going; you can GROW. Reach MORE people and make a difference in MORE lives.

Imagine if...

  • You could stop trading time for money and start making a full-time income from your passion work in part-time hours. So you could invest more precious time in your family, your friends, your community, your church.
  • Building your platform {because the publisher told you to} didn't require churning out more free blog posts, book chapters, podcast episodes, or Facebook lives. But instead you could GET PAID to grow your audience.
  • You could accomplish all this using the skills and knowledge you already have... plus get help from a personal guide to walk you through the stuff that makes you feel clueless (like technology or marketing or how to sell without being a salesman... or hey, how about just knowing where to start?! Yep, we hear you!)

If any of this sounds like a dream, then you're right, it is. It's OUR dream—for you. We've been exactly where you are now, and we created a system to help fellow faith-based communicators like us earn recurring income from their meaningful work. 

If you're ready to earn a consistent income from digital products



Profitable Digital Products Method is a self-paced online course designed to guide you step-by-step through the process of creating and selling a digital product SO THAT you can support your passion work, bless your family, and make an impact in more people's lives. This is the SAME system we used to generate over $100,000 in sales from a $29 product within the first three months of launch. We teach it because we live it every day... successfully. And we believe the world needs more POSITIVE, God-honoring messages now more than ever. We want to help YOU flood the interwebs with inspiring content!

When you implement this proven system...

Trading time for money, serving only as many people as you can handle in your limited available hours, giving away content constantly for FREE in an attempt to grow your online audience.
Earning recurring income in part-time hours so you can focus on your craft and serve MORE people in LESS time. Plus you'll get PAID to grow your audience!

Feeling like a total idiot anytime you hear the words "sales funnel" or "digital platform," wandering blind through a forest of confusing technology.
Knowing exactly what tools are right for your business and HOW TO USE THEM to your advantage, so you can finally make tech work FOR you, not against you.

Fearing what people will think of you for selling something, and allowing that fear to hold you back.
Feeling EXCITED about how your offer can make a difference in people's lives. Yes, you CAN sell a product with integrity!

Sarah Howley

"Your course has been very uplifting and encouraging. As a result of the course, I've created a course and study guide as well as other bundle products to create the Alive Again Course Bundle. Thank you for all you do for the Christian product developers community!"
If you're ready to make the leap from hobbyist to entrepreneur, but you need someone who's been there done that to guide the way...

We created Profitable Digital Products Method for you!

A start to finish, step-by-step online course specifically designed to help authors, speakers, inspired communicators and solopreneurs create recurring income from digital products so they can make a bigger difference in people's lives.

Vicki Losson

"I've been in the group for about two months now. When I started I had a book I wanted to turn into a course. After going through the first few lessons and participating in the Lab, my entire perspective has changed. This course has already started teaching me the lessons I didn't know I needed. It has me asking new questions and viewing my own work in a different light. Instead of a course, I am now arranging the information into four, 6-8 session, group Bible studies. I am starting to understand digital marketing and how to simplify the process. And maybe most importantly I feel like I have a community to learn and grow with. I feel comfortable asking questions and I learn so much from the questions that I didn't think to ask, but someone else did."
So, why is Profitable Digital Products Method right for you?

Profitable Digital Products Method is a self-paced, multi-module program that teaches you how to create, sell, and promote a digital product. Unlike other programs that focus on just one aspect of digital products, we walk you through the entire process start to finish.

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Know without a doubt what kind of product will sell and how to create it yourself without needing expensive tools or designers.
  • Understand which tech platforms are right for you and how to use them WITHOUT feeling dumb.
  • Set up your very own automated sales machine that earns money while you sleep.

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

Francie Taylor

"This course is so packed, it's like earning a master's degree in creating and selling digital products! Every segment inspired and even excited me to move forward with confidence, remembering that we're here to serve in what we do. The closing lesson was worth the entire course, as Becky really emphasized the reality that as laborers in the Lord, we should earn a living from our work because it's biblical. This course leads to increased productivity with a purpose."
Here's how the program breaks down...

Create Your Profitable Product

Successful businesses don't just sell products; they sell the RIGHT products. Profitable Digital Products Method starts with pinpointing which product idea is SURE to attract buyers, so you never have to wonder if the method will really work for you.

In module one, you’re going to learn:

  • The two burning questions you need to answer in order to determine the right product for you and your audience.
  • How to use the skills and content you already possess to develop a professional quality product (plus some bonus how-to lessons for honing new skills if needed, including writing, video, and design).
  • What to charge for your product and why.

Triumph Over Tech

No more getting lost in a sea of options and confusing tech manuals. This module spells out our top recommended options for digital sales platforms, how they work and HOW TO USE THEM, so you don't have to feel like a tech dummy ever again.

In module two, you’re going to learn:

  • The top four criteria you must follow in order to choose the best sales platform for your goals. (And how to compare apples to oranges.)
  • The difference between an online shop and a sales page, and which one you actually need in order to start generating revenue.
  • How to understand and build an automated selling machine called a sales funnel—the key to growing your audience and your passive income.

Sell While You Sleep

This section is all about promoting your sales funnel ONGOING so you can capture sales every day, any hour, without being stuck to a desk. A well-designed funnel strategy gives you freedom to focus on other priorities while the sales roll in.

In module three, you’re going to learn:

  • Our top recommended organic (free) and paid marketing strategies that you can implement easily to start gaining traction in daily sales.
  • Our favorite step-by-step methods for running Facebook ads. We're talking colorful, easy-to-follow cheat sheets! Finally take the guesswork out of which ads strategies actually get results!
  • For our faith-based peeps: The real skinny on what it means to sell products as a Christian. Can ministry and business truly mix? (Spoiler alert: they can.)
We've built extra support into the curriculum to make sure you reach the finish line...

Lessons include not just how-to steps but also encouragement for the doubts and obstacles that can trip you up. Because we know how it feels to embark on big goals: exciting, scary, and easy to put off. We won't let you get disheartened or lost.


What good is learning HOW to do something unless you apply it? Each lesson comes with specific action plans designed to help you implement what you've learned and generate real results. By the end of this course, you WILL have a salable product!


You have the option to enroll in real-time group coaching with the course creator, Becky Kopitzke, and her coaching team in the Funnel Club, a place where we'll answer all your questions and provide feedback along your journey through Profitable Digital Products Method.


Have we got templates? Yes we do! If you take advantage of our BONUS PACK of 50 Product Ideas with Canva Templates, you'll be able to create your profitable digital product in no time at all. And it'll look like you hired a fancy designer to do the work. Win-win-win!

Kate Motaung

"This course inspired me to take action and turn my ideas into reality. I relied on the sales page cheat sheet to design and create a sales page to present my product to my audience. Also, the bonus Canva templates are gold! I customized one of the templates to match my brand and add value to an existing product. I'm so thankful I found this course, as it has helped me serve my audience while adding another stream of income for my family."
Enroll in Profitable Digital Products Method today!

What you'll find inside:

 7 units containing 21 step-by-step video lessons with printable outlines (so you don't have to memorize everything; we've already made the notes for you)

 Visual checklists and cheat sheets for quick and easy reference (because we like to break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps)

 Printable action plans to implement what you learn (i.e., fun homework... no, seriously, it is!)

 BONUS lesson on best practices for writing like a pro (taught by a veteran author, editor, copywriter, and writing coach who knows how to make your words speak to your audience... that's Becky)

 BONUS guide on how to create pro videos using your phone (no fancy equipment needed!)

 BONUS inside-look videos and guides for popular tech platforms (they're not so intimidating when you take a peek inside)

 BONUS Canva templates for promotional product mockups (so your marketing can look as fabulous as your product)

Self-paced lifetime access (complete the lessons however it's most convenient for you!)

One-Time Payment: $497

Enroll Now

Isabel Tom

"Thank you for running a really amazing PDPM Lab. Definitely would not be able to take each step I'm taking if not for the help and encouragement from you and the crew."
Enroll today and you'll also get access to this optional BONUS add-on...

50 Fabulous Product Ideas with Canva Templates

These professionally designed Canva templates include products ideal for faith-based audiences, including Bible studies, devotionals, Scripture cards and lots more. Just plug in your content and save a ton of time and energy creating a truly professional-looking product.

Only $57 ($97 value)
The Profitable Digital Products Method Guarantee
We're behind you 100%!

We believe in this system, and we stand behind it. If you are not happy with the content, then we don't want your money. We offer a 30-day, full money-back guarantee, no questions asked. If you enroll today and decide this program is not right for you, just shoot us an email within the first 30 days to ask for a refund and we'll gladly give it to you. We're not here to sell something you don’t need. We're here to bless you and your business.


Hi. I'm Becky.

Last name: Kopitzke [koh-PIT-ski]. Yeah, I can't pronounce it, either.
I'm the founder of The Inspired Business, an online coaching hub dedicated to helping faith-filled writers, communicators and creatives monetize their work in order to keep it sustainable. My sweet spot is digital products and sales funnels. I looooove them. And I'll tell you why.
An author by trade (I've got three traditionally published books under my belt and counting), I discovered digital products out of desperation. I love blogging and writing books, but I also knew I needed to generate an income to support the cost of promoting those books (can you say email marketing, social media management, launch team coordinators, PR, cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching). So I dove into this amazing world of creating and selling digital products, thinking I'd just supplement my income while serving my audience in new and interesting ways. Little did I know this digital products experiment would soon become my PRIMARY source of income, far surpassing anything I was earning through book contracts and speaking gigs.
Best part? I've learned how to set my sales process on autopilot, so I can earn money AND impact people with my products while I spend time on other things I'm passionate about... like writing the next book. Leading Bible studies at my church. And playing board games with my kids.
Does that sound like joy to you? Then let me help YOU experience the blessing of digital products, too.

Street cred. In case you're wondering if I'm the real deal.

Rhondalyn Richardson

"I’m so thankful I took the leap to join the PDPM Lab. Not only are the resources that Becky and Heidi provide practical, encouraging, and motivating, but they are intentionally God honoring. I’ve made so much progress on my product development and I can’t wait to see what happens when they are released! Thank you to Becky and the PDPM Lab for helping me get out of my comfort zone, guiding me, and encouraging me to use the gifts God has given me to help fulfill the calling he has for me. I highly recommend joining!"

Are you a perfect fit?

  • Whether you're just starting out or you've been in ministry a long time, you want to generate some return from the work you LOVE to do. You're just not quite sure how... or if it's even okay to make an income from your passion work.
  • You've been trying to grow your audience and make some money from your writing, speaking, podcasting... using all the suggested ways, like sponsors, ad networks, submitting articles, and freelance work. But it's just not working like you'd hoped.
  • You're tired of getting paid in gas cards and potted plants just because the work you do is tied to your faith and somehow that means it's supposed to be free. Why is your vocation worth less than somebody else's? Isn't it just as valuable... and MORE?
If any of these sounds like you, keep reading, because you’re exactly where you need to be.
We can't wait to welcome you into Profitable Digital Products Method!
If you're ready to earn recurring income from your passion work,


 Profitable Digital Products Method is designed to help writers, speakers, podcasters, teachers, coaches, creatives and communicators (especially in the faith-based market) earn a fair and honorable income from creating and selling digital products. Why? So your important work can remain sustainable and you can continue making an even bigger difference in this world.

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