Generate recurring income from your passion work...

and make a bigger difference in less time. 

Learn my proven, step-by-step method for creating and selling a digital product or online course that supports your mission and gets you paid... plus finally grasp the fool-proof secret to achieving big results. (It's easier than you think.)


Generate recurring income from your passion work...

and make a bigger difference in less time.

Learn my proven, step-by-step method for creating and selling a digital product or online course that supports your mission and gets you paid... plus finally grasp the fool-proof secret to achieving big results. (It's easier than you think.)


As seen on...

Do you dream of donating more than you earn?

It's called reverse tithing. Live on 10%, give away 90%.

For most of us, that's a stretch goal. Maybe first you want to earn your next six figures, fund that big mission trip, or pay for the private college your daughter's got her heart set on.

Is is really possible to generate that kind of income from your content?


Tons of faith-based content creators, coaches, and thought leaders are earning financial freedom by following God's call to serve others through digital offers. I'm one of them.

But how?

What does it actually take to make that kind of difference?

  The answer is . . .




Step-by-step training that shows you exactly what you need to do to create an online offer, automate the marketing process behind it, and get buyers in the door on a daily basis.



The deep belief that you are capable of implementing the systems, even if it feels hard or scary. Without courage, your business will struggle to succeed.


Here at The Inspired Business, we teach systems very well. Our clients trust our clear and effective step-by-step training and explanations of how to build and automate a digital product. It's what our business is founded on.

But we realized something’s been missing. The other half of the equation.


We’ve seen time and time again that when creators know WHAT to do but don’t believe in their ability to do it, they simply won’t do it. They won’t put their knowledge into action.

Then progress gets stunted, and too many talented creators, coaches, business and ministry leaders do not generate the results they dream of, and are capable of.

And we're not going to settle for it anymore.

You deserve better.


Profit Pathway

The first of its kind total training (marketing + mindset) for digital content creators on how to build—and believe in—a sustainable online business that generates full-time income so you can serve more people in less time, create freedom in your schedule, and fund your family’s future while you make a greater impact on the world.

  • Learn the two most important decisions that determine whether or not your offer will be an "easy yes" for buyers, so you can focus your energy on building the RIGHT offer for the RIGHT reasons... one that will truly make a difference in the world
  • Discover exactly how to set your marketing machine on autopilot with a genuine personal touch, so you can serve people authentically without staying chained to your desk
  • Know exactly what to do next to gain buyers around the clock using our proprietary strategy, the Marketing + Mindset Method ... so you can generate recurring revenue while your offer virtually sells itself
  • Experience the breakthrough you've been waiting for with biblically sound coaching and life-changing "ah-ha" moments from our certified Christian mindset coach, Laura Naiser.

You’ll learn simple yet profound habits for taking your thoughts captive for Christ so you can stop beating yourself up, quit getting in your own way, and finally be free to pursue the call God has placed on your life to create, serve, and earn.


If you’ve ever told yourself...

  • I don't have time to figure out digital marketing
  • I'm not a techy person
  • Digital products don't work for my business
  • I'm not enough of an expert to influence people
  • Somebody else is already doing what I want to do (and better)
  • My audience won't pay what I want to charge

Then listen up, dear one. You don't have a business problem. You have a MINDSET problem.

 And it's time to overcome.

When you discover the proven systems and strategies needed to succeed in digital product sales... then merge that knowledge with the courage and clarity of mind necessary to follow through...


Whether you are...


You don't need a boatload of followers or an impressive email list in order to get started in digital products. In fact, the methods we teach in Profit Pathway can help you build an audience from ground zero WHILE you makes sales.


Tried digital products before? If you've been blogging, coaching, creating or teaching for some time and you're tired of selling to crickets, Profit Pathway will show you the proven step-by-step strategies to finally make an income.


Your capacity to earn revenue is not limited by the number of clients you can squeeze into your Calendly. Stop trading time for money and discover how to serve more people while you earn more profit with a digital offer.

Profit Pathway Is Made for You

This training was informative, encouraging, and helped me break down a big process into doable steps. Becky presents information in such a genuine and warm way, plus she understands the challenges creative business owners face. I appreciate the way Becky approaches her business to honor God, and her voice is a welcome guide to Christian business owners!


One of my very favorite things is your heart for helping us in this endeavor. You see us as people who are not just trying to hustle to make money, but as people who are trying to help our families financially, honor God with our gifts, and still be available for our families. I really appreciate your example and encouragement in balancing all of those things.


Becky is a great teacher, easy to follow. I love her energy, passion, and genuine integrity in her marketing strategies. I am new to the business side of marketing and I now have some direction and great resources to begin down my business pathway!


I don't know what I don't know in the digital space. So, the more I listen to you and learn from your experience and expertise, the smarter I feel and the more confident I am to move forward.

Let's revolutionize the way you look at serving and growing your audience.

It's not just about the money you'll make. It's about what that money can DO. Picture yourself making an even bigger impact on an expanding audience while earning the kind of income that blesses your family, allows you to give more, to hire others who will be blessed to work in their gifting, and to honor God with your multiplied talents. 

Let's revolutionize the way you look at serving and growing your audience.

It's not just about the money you'll make. It's about what that money can DO. Picture yourself making an even bigger impact on an expanding audience while earning the kind of income that blesses your family, allows you to give more, to hire others who will be blessed to work in their gifting, and to honor God with your multiplied talents. 


Video Training 📽️

Your step-by-step training is provided through our most comprehensive and up-to-date course, Profitable Digital Products Method 2.0 (which we often refer to as PDPM for short). This highly valuable training is self-paced and yet, for your benefit, organized into a 12-week curriculum that you can choose to follow for the fastest results. Modules are taught by The Inspired Business founder Becky Kopitzke, with a special Mindset Module created and hosted by our biblical mindset coach, Laura Naiser.

Action Plans 🎬

Each lesson inside of PDPM includes printable Summary Sheets containing a thorough outline of what you learned (for reference), plus step-by-step Action Plan worksheets (i.e., the "homework") for applying the lessons directly to your business goals. Everything is mapped out for you so you won't miss a single step. You can choose to print and save the worksheets to a physical binder, or save them electronically to a Google Drive folder. We provide PDFs and Google docs to suit varying preferences.

Templates + Swipe Copy 📝

We don't just teach you how to create and sell great content—we actually help you do it with simple fill-in-the-blank swipe copy for email marketing, product launch content schedules, product mockup templates for your sales pages and socials, and professionally designed Canva templates for more than 50 faith-friendly digital products. These shortcuts will help ensure your offer is as professional and attractive as possible before you share it with the world.

Group Coaching 🎉

A key ingredient in achieving success with digital product sales and marketing is having the ability to ask questions and get help in real-time. That's why Profit Pathway includes a 12-month membership to The Funnel Club, our group coaching community for Christian content creators, coaches, freelancers and influencers. Enjoy a 24/7 "help desk" in our private Facebook group, plus valuable weekly Zoom calls with head business coach Becky Kopitzke and our mindset coach, Laura Naiser.

Plus... We’re adding these two incredibly valuable courses to your Profit Pathway experience for FREE.

These bonus courses will round out your toolbox, ensuring you have everything it takes to create a bestselling digital offer that generates recurring profit on a daily basis.

Meta Ads Mastery

Scale your sales through Facebook ads

  • INTRO --> Why ads? Start with this introductory message from Becky and her resident ads expert, Alana Terry, on why ads are an effective strategy, what to consider before embarking on an ad campaign, and how to keep your cool in a volatile ads environment.

  • PART 1 --> Learn how to navigate the Business Manager dashboard with confidence, and set up your first simple ad campaign in just 30 minutes.

  • PART 2 --> Dive deeper into more advanced methods of ad campaigns, discern which type of campaign is right for your goals, and learn step by step how to set up, track, and tweak your campaigns for optimal results.

  • PART 3 --> Explore Alana's best detailed tips for scaling your sales with ads. You'll learn how to analyze data and optimize your campaign assets in order to grow your email list and generate profits on a daily basis.

Meta Ads Mastery is exclusive to The Inspired Business and is not sold separately. Valued at $2,000, you can get access to this advanced training for FREE when you enroll in Profit Pathway.

Write Like a Pro

Transform your writing from blah to brilliant

  • Learn how to AVOID COMMON MISTAKES that make you look like an amateur (or a high school English class dropout)

  • Discover your AUTHENTIC VOICE and how to use it so readers will love you and believe what you say

  • Discern which old-school RULES YOU CAN BREAK (because sometimes great writing is rebellious)

  • Learn SECRET RULES the best writers know, which will set your content apart from the competition

  • Uncover what it's really like to write and PUBLISH A BOOK (it's probably not what you think) and how to do it step-by-step

  • Learn Becky's best tips for FINDING TIME TO CREATE even when life gets hectic

Write Like a Pro normally sells for $300. It also includes access to Becky's proprietary non-fiction book proposal template (with a step-by-step tutorial). It's the same proposal Becky used to secure four traditionally published book deals.


Enroll in Profit Pathway

Get your hands on the exact process I used to earn over $100,000 in sales in less than six months from a $29 product. It's the repeatable system (and the biblical mindset) I still apply today to sell courses, digital products, and a monthly coaching group around the clock while I focus on serving clients, writing my next book, and watching Gilmore Girls with my daughters.

This is the pathway to reaching more people in less time... and earning a full-time income from the work you love to do.



SAVE $367

  • Profitable Digital Products Method 2.0
  • 12 Months in The Funnel Club: Business AND Mindset coaching
  • Swipe Copy and Canva Templates
  • Action Plans and Lesson Summaries
  • BONUS: Meta Ads Mastery
  • BONUS: Write Like a Pro
  • A Full Year of Access to All Course Materials
  • Extra BONUS: Becky will personally review your sales page for any offer
Total Value = over $5,000

Pay only $1,997 in full




12 monthly payments

  • Profitable Digital Products Method 2.0
  • 12 Months in The Funnel Club: Business AND Mindset coaching
  • Swipe Copy and Canva Templates
  • Action Plans and Lesson Summaries
  • BONUS: Meta Ads Mastery
  • BONUS: Write Like a Pro
  • A Full Year of Access to All Course Materials
Total Value = over $5,000

Pay only $197 today

PLEASE NOTE: If you choose to enroll in the payment plan, you are 100% responsible for completing all of your payments. The installment option is offered as a courtesy. This is NOT a subscription that can be cancelled. It is a 12 month commitment to completing your payments.



I know it's easy to think this is just another guru's approach that won't work for you. But let's get this straight: I don't consider myself a guru (I'm just a content creator like you, which means if I can do it, you can do it), and? This isn't some fad formula. Signature digital products are a tried-and-true strategy for online creators, communicators, and coaches who want to earn money from their content. 

Profit Pathway shows you how. And you'll save a ton of time by not trying to figure it out on your own.

By the time you complete Profit Pathway, your product will be a proven seller, poised to rock the marketplace. We'll arm you with a road map for how to gain new customers week over week through proven sales and marketing methods... and with our specialized, biblical mindset coaching, we'll make sure you have the confidence to do it.


Now you get to witness the power of sharing the right product with the right audience for the right reasons...

transforming people's lives from heartache to hope

Meet your coaches

Hi there! I'm Becky Kopitzke


I'm a traditionally published author, speaker, podcaster, and creative product seller. My jam is digital marketing and sales funnels. I founded a company called The Inspired Business to teach more Christian content creators like you and me how to keep their ministries running through automated online offers.

Why? Because digital products are the best way I've found to serve more people in less time without draining your energy or sacrificing your biggest priorities of family and faith. With a purposeful signature product, you can earn income from your content while you cook dinner... or build a snowman in the back yard... or watch a movie with your hubs.

Does that sound like joy to you? Then sign up for Profit Pathway and learn how you can do it, too.

Yaaassss! Count me in!

“Everyone should take the leap and sign up.”

"This program was the best investment of time and money I have made in my business since I started in 2012. I have participated in several coaching programs, but none have helped my business thrive, like the coaching from Becky. I tripled my business profit in 3 months after finishing the program. My e-mail marketing went from little to none to learning how to make an effective nurture sequence to drive engagement and sales. I cannot recommend Becky’s practical help enough!! Everyone should take the leap and sign up!"


Introducing Laura Naiser

certified mindset coach and biblical studies nerd

Laura helps faith-centered business owners break through their mental and emotional roadblocks so they can create more success, freedom and fulfillment.

She knows God has given you a big vision for you business and your life—and she knows you're committed to making the vision a reality.

Unfortunately, Laura sees too many faithful entrepreneurs get overwhelmed, frustrated and burned out trying to bring their vision to fruition.

In fact, she's been down that road herself and that's why she's passionate about helping business owners like you discover how to fulfill your calling with more joy, ease and confidence.

I've experienced a significant increase in my online business revenue. Before coaching with Laura I had multiple big issues and didn't really know where to start. I knew on some level my thoughts were not serving me, but I couldn't change them.

Laura guided me through a simple process (without judgment) that helped me shift my thinking and process my doubts and fears. Now I feel light, energized and focused. I'm spending more time on things that matter so I'm creating more income and impact.


I've been able to dramatically reduce the hours I work, which has given me the freedom to spend more time with my family, go on vacations and pursue hobbies I'm passionate about. And I was able to work less without negatively impacting my bottom line!

I felt so empowered and encouraged every single step of the way. I never felt judged. We tackled my fears, anxiety and so many things! I can happily say that right now I am so at peace.


Let's Talk Details

The breakdown

Your Product

A hot-selling signature product must answer the customer's question, "What's in it for me?" We'll begin your Profit Pathway journey by unearthing your customer's hidden needs and determining how you are uniquely positioned to meet them. You'll learn how to match your buyer's deepest desires with your God-given skills and passions.

Then you'll walk through a simple decision matrix to choose how your product will be packaged and sold. All of this leads to a win-win offer that tranforms people's lives and flips your definition of sales on its head.


Your System

The burning question everybody wants to know is: How do I connect the tech? In this module, you'll learn the components of a successful automated marketing machine (a.k.a. a sales funnel), how to choose the right funnel model and tools for your goals, and how to connect them like Legos so they do the sales and marketing work FOR you.

With clear visual maps and handy cheat sheets to refer to again and again, you'll finally understand how each step of a sales funnel functions, so you can apply what you learn to any tech platform.

And with help from our mindset coach, tech will NOT be the thing that squashes your progress ever again.


Your Launch

In Profit Pathway, we don't get stuck on fancy, stressful launches. Discover how to simplify the process and introduce your product to your current audience in a way that maximizes your strengths and speaks directly to your ideal customer.

Don't have a big audience yet? No problem. We'll explain the four buckets of online marketing and why you only need ONE of those buckets to grow a business... from scratch if necessary!


Your Profit

In our final phase, we'll empower you to keep driving traffic to your funnel through my two favorite organic (i.e., free) evergreen marketing strategies. You'll get detailed instruction on how to implement these proven methods, including gold-star swipe copy and my own high-converting webinar template. 

Once you're earning dreamy profits from organic marketing, our Meta Ads Mastery bonus course will show you how to up your game by reinvesting in paid ads if you choose.

Then we'll wrap up with a key lesson on how to find, interpret, and analyze your data. This training includes a powerful decision matrix to help you optimize your funnel's performance on an ongoing basis.

Profit Pathway demystifies automated marketing and mindset barriers so you can start generating real income from your content in as quickly as 12 weeks. This is your ticket out of “dabbling land” and into your dream role as CEO of a profitable online biz.

 Let's get you started!
ENROLL in profit pathway now

We're ready to welcome you

Still Got Questions?



I believe that you CAN do this. And our unique marketing + mindset coaching will help you prove it to yourself, too.

But if you’re not 100% satisfied with the training within 7 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason, no questions asked.

So you can stay where you are, feeling stuck, and continue struggling with all the reasons you came to this page in the first place. Or you can sign up today and finally make the kind of impact you dream of. You literally have nothing to lose.


You’re wise to weigh all the details before buying. If you’ve gotten this far and you’re still not sure if Profit Pathway is right for you, no worries.

I'd love to stay in touch while you think on it a little more. In fact I'll give you a helpful bonus gift for hanging out with me this long here on this sales page. If you'll trust me with your email address, I'll be happy to send you my handy Digital Product Cheat Sheets for free. I'll also send a couple emails a week filled with valuable marketing advice and encouragement from one content creator to another. We Jesus folks have got to stick together.

Click >> HERE << to get the Digital Product Cheat Sheets.

Or click here to enroll in Profit Pathway